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EEF is committed to providing various courses as another effective way to empower the youth of the local community. These programs provide individuals with hands-on training in a particular field, enabling them to gain practical skills that can help them find jobs or even start their businesses. In addition, these courses often cover topics such as financial literacy, job readiness, and computer technology - all of which are essential skills for success in today’s market.

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Management training

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System engineering training

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Programming training


Database training

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Quality assurance training

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Youth programming

Internship Program

  • The intern­ship pro­gram isn’t just about col­lege readi­ness. It’s also meant to prime grade school stu­dents, underprivileged or troubled youth, and teens of color with the soft skills nec­es­sary to thrive in the work­place, like adapt­abil­i­ty, resilience, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills.

  • A paid internship program provides students an opportunity to supplement their classroom training with practical work experience in various fields:

    • Management

    • Electrical Engineering

    • Mechanical Engineering

    • Administration

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